Who We Are
Founded by Catholic Sisters in 1972, NETWORK is an inclusive, national, Catholic advocacy organization open to all who share our values. With our Spirit-filled network of justice-seekers across the country, NETWORK educates, organizes, and lobbies for federal policies that help our communities thrive.
A Nationwide Community...
- Over 92,000 justice-seekers spanning every U.S. Congressional district
- Active Advocates Teams in states across the country
- NETWORK Young Advocates Leadership Lab (Y.A.L.L.) Fellows on 12 college campuses and growing
...Rooted in the Catholic Social Justice Tradition
Upholding the equal dignity of each person
Embracing our right and responsibility to participate in our shared public life
Being in solidarity with those living in poverty in the struggle against structures of injustice
Bridging divisions for the common good
Uniting with workers to build an economy that centers people, not profit
Caring for the Earth, recognizing that all creation is interconnected
Building an Economy For All
Paid leave and wages that cover our bills
Affordable housing
Food and health care for all
Safe and welcoming neighborhoods
Clean air and water
A just tax code that ensures the wealthy pay their fair share
A humane immigration system
A politics responsive to We The People, not billionaires