Racial Wealth and Income Gap

The median wealth gap between Black and white families in the United States is both significant and growing. In 2016, white families had 10 times the wealth of Black families. [1] This massive difference in wealth is no accident. Instead, it was created and has been sustained by generations of racist federal policies.
NETWORK’s Racial Wealth and Income Gap Workshop
NETWORK’s Racial Wealth and Income Gap workshop combines an informational presentation, interactive simulation, individual reflections, and group discussion to educate participants about the origins of our nation’s racial wealth and income gap.
Over the course of the workshop, participants engage with 12 different federal policies, implemented throughout our nation’s history, which led to the intentional divestment of the Black community and provided the structure for what we understand as white privilege today. The workshop dispels claims of America’s meritocracy as well as popular “bootstrap” narratives by providing participants with an opportunity to examine the institutional and political realities of racism.
NETWORK Resources for Personal Study and Group Facilitation
For more information about the 12 federal policies examined in NETWORK’s Racial Wealth and Income Gap workshop, visit: Key Federal Policies that Have Contributed to the Racial Wealth and Income Gap
Interested in leading this workshop for your group or faith community? Download our Facilitator’s Guide, PowerPoint presentation, and simulation materials here.
Additional questions? Learn more about the racial wealth and income gap here or contact the NETWORK staff at info@networklobby.org.
[1] Hanks, A., Solomon, D., & Weller, C. E. (2018, February 21). Systematic Inequality. https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/race/reports/2018/02/21/447051/systematic-inequality/#fn-447051-9